Ambrose Ringor - Level Designer
Underground Breakout (Unreal Engine)
Level Playthrough
Underground Breakout is a first person scripted adventure where the player is trapped in a cave and must complete various puzzles/platforming challenges in order to escape
The cave has a hub-and-spokes layout, consisting of a central cavern with branching tunnels that lead to puzzle/platforming chambers
Ultimately, this project helped me greatly improve my level design, scripting, and debugging skills
Project Objectives
Design a level that complements scripted mechanics
Design a level that makes use of two player movement mechanics: jump pads and sprinting
Use geometry/lighting to guide the player through the level
Create puzzles/platforming challenges that are easy to understand and have two stages, with the second stage being more difficult than the first in some way
Expand scripting/debugging skills
Level Documentation
Overhead Map (Click for Higher Resolution Image)
Changes Between Documentation and Final Level
Climbing section was replaced by a jump pad section because it was strange that there was only one climbable wall throughout a level that had rocky walls throughout its entirety
Key code for exit was replaced by a key
Player respawn areas were moved to chambers 3 and 6 so the player wouldn't have to walk back if they fell into a pit
Because the puzzles were simple, a second stage was implemented for each one; this second stage was a more difficult version of the first stage in some way
Heavy stone locations for section 4 were adjusted so they would be more difficult to find